This morning like any other; rising, moving, engaging in business of the day. The business is delivery of young women to a leadership forum, and then the wait... So, I feed my body and quench caffeine thirst. Just a quick stop, I say to myself. Check in on emails, Sip hot liquid, Nibble at fruit, Check blog. The Din begins. Richmond waking with me. Amazing how a morning morphs from quiet respite to jumbled laughter, food preparations, orders and conversations. Some hurry in and out, off to the days adventures. Others linger, wrapped in tale sharing with a friend, feeding soccer clad youngsters, giggling, squirming energy hardly contained in small vessels. A conga line ebbs and flows in a march from swinging doors to order taking. Jockeying for nesting spots, nibbling at goods, random movement in and about the humming space, paints a picture living and passing into memory. Neural imprints of a colorful cacophony, a decidedly American opus. Part and apart, participant and voyeur straddli...