The Unabridge Naked Truth About Grandma
Inspired by the work of a fellow artist during a class taught by Tracy Budd at the Studio School in Roanoke, VA. The Completely Unabridged, Naked Truth About Grandma This is the totally unabridged An’ naked truth ‘bout Grandma… I know ‘cause she’s mine An’ I’m hers… So she tells me all the time, Like, while she’s pinnin’ her privatey thangs Onto the saggedy wire That cuts ‘cross the space Twixt the two Tenement buildin’s Down on Lower South Side. It’s real near the river. Near the river is where Grandma used to work . The man Momma’s seein’ now Says, “She used to work IT Reeeal good.” An’ I believes him ‘cause Grandma always says, “Give it yer best, or don’ give it at all.” She gived me a pair of old shoes, That momma says I can’t wear outside; “They’s jest fer dress-up, IN the house.” It’s OK, I can’t walk in ‘em, Jest yet But I’m practicin’. I seen anuther pair sorta like ‘em, Only with spikety he...