Summer VACA
Politics! OK, I need a vacation. . . I'm loving the sun, surf and sand thing right here in the Outer Banks. This triggers the latent St. Petersburg, native Floridian thing in me, slow paced, easy goin' and "what the hey!" You just gotta love the life. The artist and writer in me says, "Why go back?" But then I just pack up at the end and return to the same old grunge just like everyone else. Well, right now I'm not even thinking about that, no siree. Life is good and vacation is even better. Families are just a whole lot more fun to be with too. Everyone's got the, "boy this feels good," thing going on and we each do our own thing. Even the dog is more laid back than usual. With a beach to walk to, kayak to jump into or dock to fish from if you don't want to be around anyone, off you go. It's funny to watch the ones we lovingly call the "Northern tourists" bring all their big city hyper-activity on a beach vacation. As my ...