Summer VACA

Politics! OK, I need a vacation. . .

I'm loving the sun, surf and sand thing right here in the Outer Banks. This triggers the latent St. Petersburg, native Floridian thing in me, slow paced, easy goin' and "what the hey!" You just gotta love the life. The artist and writer in me says, "Why go back?" But then I just pack up at the end and return to the same old grunge just like everyone else.

Well, right now I'm not even thinking about that, no siree. Life is good and vacation is even better. Families are just a whole lot more fun to be with too. Everyone's got the, "boy this feels good," thing going on and we each do our own thing. Even the dog is more laid back than usual. With a beach to walk to, kayak to jump into or dock to fish from if you don't want to be around anyone, off you go.

It's funny to watch the ones we lovingly call the "Northern tourists" bring all their big city hyper-activity on a beach vacation. As my kids said, "why are people going to gyms and shopping malls at the beach? Don't they have those where they come from?" From our experience you can get the same things cheaper on sale where you came from or online? Local tourist shops are understandable and another great spot to be amused. Do they go on vacation to be as anal and uptight as they are at home? Those of us who know how to enjoy vacations are somewhat but not overly sympathetic of tight asses parked next to us on the beach. The bug sprays, tents, mantra music, side baby tents, arguing and crying brats, cell phone conversations that we get to share and other obnoxious luxuries for the beach need to stay back in the AC'd rental house until I leave. What part of a sunny, sandy, nature's wonders beach don't you get? I guess I was raised and raised my kids that the point of a vacation is to get away from the everyday, "normal" routines of life and appreciate the differences.

Talking about enjoying differences, let's talk eating. Oh my god, there's fresh seafood and summer veggies easily accessible and people are cramming into lines at restaurants. Maybe it's just me and my family but we can hardly wait to pick up the fresh seafood and bring it back to our beautiful canalfront house to prepare it and eat it with views that no restaurant can compete with. The fact that most of us can cook may be the reason we're eating better and cheaper than others.

Well I guess there's room for all kinds and if I gotta move farther down the beach then that's what I'll do. You compulsive anal types really need the "Vaca" more than I do that's for sure. Besides, you don't come out when I do at the crack of dawn with the pink lights of the great Ra rising over the Atlantic ocean. I won't find you kayaking along the quiet backwater estuaries or on my deck as I paint. You're not at my dinner table and I'm not dining next to your quarreling kids, so "what the hey!" There's a time and a place for all of us out here though things are getting a little bit more cramped every year on this little spit of land called the Outer Banks. I'm just glad to have this place to escape to once each year and the time to sit quietly thinking about nothing or something, whatever.....Maybe some nice friendly great white will come by and spare us all your return next year.


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