Doodles By Don
Doodles By Don
These are original ink drawings by Don Campbell, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Don Campbell resides in a residential care facility suffering from dementia in St. Petersburg, Florida. In his early years, he began doodling images when listening to philosophical, spiritual or other teachings. It kept him centered and allowed him to sit still during such moments, a lesson teachers might take when dealing with young minds that also can wander during class time. While doodling for some may take their mind from the lessons at hand, for others it helps them absorb and order what they are taking in.

My mother, a long time friend of the Campbells, was aware that Don doodled but had not been aware of how prolific and talented he was at such drawings until she was offered one of his works. I became aware a few years ago, when she pointed out that the drawing on her wall of two lovely figures was a work by Mr. Campbell.
Then, on a visit just recently, she asked me to look at a few of the drawings that have collected in the Florida garage over the years. I was completely amazed, first at the number of drawings and then at their unique beauty and quality.
His wife and family do not have the time nor the interest at this time to preserve and present the works, so I was asked if I'd like to help compile some for a local showing at the public library. I immediately said yes, and then realized the daunting responsibility I had just undertaken. Not really knowing the man and having only just recently seen any of his works, I was going to try to select from a random assortment of works, a collective representation of his "doodles". I was also shown a very brief selection of some of his writings, which served to direct me a little in my selection process, but after that it was strictly my own artistic eye and preference that prevailed. I am attempting to catalog the works and have begun the process for the family of archivally preserving the small works, averaging 6"x8", but they have a lot of work themselves getting the hundreds of slips of paper properly stored. I have suggested that they take copies of the artwork or a disc that I am making to a local gallery as well, where some may be shown during a First Friday event. I do hope that one of the local venues will see the value in sharing this St. Petersburg artist's work with the public. I think we've found a local treasure worth recognizing.
If you'd like to see more of Don's works, I will be posting the rest of the collection I currently have in another post. I can also be contacted at I do not have permission to sell at this time, though we are working on that possibility with Don's wife. I am also working on the possibility of his signing more of the works and/or a limited number of prints. Please feel free to give positive feedback on the artwork. They are both fun and thought provoking, but don't try to take them too seriously. The artist certainly doesn't and didn't when he doodled them. They were a way of coping with sitting and listening. They were a process to ordering thoughts racing through his mind. Now they are for your enjoyment and pleasure.
Sincerely, Terri Miller