She Speaks to the Spirits

This spirit is responding to the vibrations of all that has been, is and will be, not such a remarkable thing as it might seem, if we know time is a human-created idea. If time does not actually exist, then it is possible to be connected in some manner to what we call the past, the now and the future and the energies existing across all. Energy, light, sound does not end, but rather continues on and on and the spirit or heart, here is connecting and responding to this continual flow of energies.
I know some of my friends will scratch their heads thinking I have abandoned my relationship with Jesus the Christ by exploring and sharing such things, but I find that my faith and relationship is actually strengthened by knowing. I don't pretend to be some prophet, philosopher or such, just an observer. I find that there is so much of the Spirit that is lost or avoided in contemporary western religion because it is part of that personal connection, intangible and connected to both light and darkness. It is the very thing we cannot control in others; the spirit that allows us to have faith no matter what others may try to take away or destroy; the spirit that carried and carries the persecuted through great ordeals. It has always existed. It is, as I see it, "I AM", unending.
In the end, perhaps because I live in what is called feminine, I perceive in the feminine. This is my conceptualization, not a theological exposition.