Enter the Blog-o-sphere

I humbly enter, recognizing that I am out of my league in this ethereal realm. However, I am willing to stumble clumsily into this "blog-o-shere" ready to learn, unlearn, up and download, unload, "p" some off, make some laugh, create thought, banish thought, play, practice and learn some more, so here I goooooo.....

Let's see, I am currently exploring the writing process and have been, seriously, for about two years. Poetry has always been my mainstay for sating the urge to write. When my children were young I would make up tales with them. Also, I have journaled for myself, albeit sporadically, over the years. After going back to school late in life, and discovering a wonderful, no phenomenal, group of visionary women I now find myself gushing with creativity both in my art and in my writing. I mean that quite literally, gushing. Gushing with ideas, stories, and visions in all aspects of my artistic expression. Some are linked and compliment each other while others are moments unto themselves.

Yes, I've got the extreme opposite of writer's and/or artist's block. It's more like diarhea at this point but not as disgusting, though it can feel as depleting after a few sleepless nights of fervent typing, designing, sculpting or painting. Knowing that this cannot last forever, I try to ride the energy peaks and just pour it out. Nothing like catching a good wave and finding yourself easily gliding across the page or canvas, so to speak. I admit to anticipating the final slam in the back of my mind when all this will ebb away and I will be forced into remission. Not good thoughts to be having at this time, but they are there all the same.

I was told at a Writer's conference that blogs are considered a sort of publication and can be referenced when submitting other forms of work. That's probably what motivates me the most, but I also need a place just to put the random thoughts that ride in along with my current literary project, a sci-fi/fantasy novel. Also, visual artists don't always get to release the inner verbage that for me often accompanies the creation of works. I hope this works on all planes but if not maybe it will just bring a blink of sanity into the manic existence that is my life.


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